Our Partners


Our Partners

We value working closely with our vendors and partners, and strive to provide them with the best possible value propositions. Therefore, we continue to establish strategic alliances with other established IT players in the market.

Microsoft Partner Network

Manage Your Tech, Ltd. is a managed IT service provider and consultancy offering cutting-edge solutions to companies across industries. Through cost-effective, innovative technology that offers much-needed flexibility. We have met the evolving IT needs of small and mid-size businesses across Canada and the world for over 20 years.


Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. Cisco Registered Partners have access to world-class Cisco products and service packages, technical support, productivity tools, online training, marketing resources and sales promotions.

Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Amazon Web Services, is a collection of cloud computing services that make up the on-demand computing platform offered by Amazon.com. These services operate from 12 geographical regions across the world.




CDW Corporation, headquartered in Lincolnshire, Illinois, is a provider of technology products and services for business, government and education.


Ingram Micro is an American distributor of information technology products and services. The company is based in Irvine, California, U.S. and has operations around the world.
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